
Weddi-quette Wednesday

Since every other blogger is chatting about it this week, I figured, why not?! If you're an avid blog reader, you will have noticed that everyone is talking about the arrival of fall this week! Yesterday certainly had the crisp, chill in the air and it would appear we're going to be having some more of that nice, fresh weather this week! I am a fall girl, through and through. I LOVE FALL! Everything the weather, the cozy outfits, boots, scarfs, pumpkin spice lattes, the changing colours, the anticipation of all of the upcoming holidays. SIGN. ME. UP.

Fall always brings a feeling of newness along with it. That used to be because it was back to school time, but since I have been going back to school in a while, I chose to see it as a time to re-energize after a nice slow summer. Now, this summer was not slow for me, not even kind of relaxing! But I am still choosing to see this time the same way, especially since I am on the verge of so much 'new'. I spent the past weekend boxing up and getting rid of a ton of things in my house. It’s hard work, but what a rewarding feeling to just orgainize and get rid of a ton. Plus, you forget about half the stuff you own sometimes, so its almost like finding a whole new wardrobe (am I right?!)

In the next 3 weeks I will be finishing packing up my little house, becoming "Auntie Jess" to a new little bundle, getting the keys to my first real, totally mine (and Mr. Wedding Girl's) home and heading to Hawaii! That's a lot. A lot of good!

Then, I'm hoping I can slow down a little bit (doubtful!). I would just love to settle into day to day life, in our new home. Maybe do some fun, Pinteresty things around the house (and by maybe I mean I've been a pinning machine and have a million and one visions for my new place!) and get ready for the upcoming holiday's! I also have 2 wonderful weddings on the go as well. Life is good.

I hope the change of another season brings that much goodness to each and every one of you! And if you have any Hawaii tips, send them my way! The closest I've ever been to paradise is Florida! I'd love to hear from you :)

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