I recently saw this video and of course, teared up. Mom's are amazing, am I right?? As I prepare for the "toughest job in the world" I have constantly been thinking about a million little things. What will my little peanut look like, sound like, act like? Will Peanut be hilarious like Dad? Sassy like Aunty Livs? Laid back like Aunt Michelle? Driven like Uncle Paul? Will Peanut get my Mom's huge heart? My Dad's fashion sense (maybe for the first few years) or his incredible dance moves? Maybe Peanut will be seriously orgainized like Grams! I hope Peanut takes a little bit from everyone, it really doesn't matter though, I will love him or her, no matter what. What will we be like as parents? That's a pretty huge jump to make, we're going from our cushy married life, which we LOVE, to our universe revolving around one little tiny human. There is no one I would rather be taking this leap with, I am completely confident this will be the best, craziest, hardest, most rewarding thing either of us will ever take on.
I’m officially over the half-way point and things are feeling more real by the day. I think finding out whether I will be having a son or daughter will really up the ante. Something I’ve been very cognoscente of recently are all of the other Mom’s that surround me. Friends, cousins, sister in laws, new mom’s, old mom’s and everything in between. I’ve always admired motherhood, always thought it was the best, most selfless job and couldn’t wait to jump on that train! As I look around my own life, I am constantly inspired by these Momma’s! So today’s post is for them. A thank you to all of the things they’ve taught me, whether they know it or not.
I would be remiss not to make a special note of my favorite Mom, my own. This woman is something else, I’m telling you. I know I’ve raved about her on this blog before, but she makes it easy. My Mom is the most selfless, beautiful, person in the entire world. She is going to be one tough act to follow, but I’ve been told all my life I am definitely “her daughter” – looks, mannerisms, likes, dislikes, almost everything, so I have hope. Hope that I will be as patient, make as much time for my kids, always think of new exciting things they may like, always have a yummy homemade dinner on the table. Hope that I will be as present, read as many stories, share as many laughs, start as many dance parties, tell as many secrets, that I will make a huge deal out of every holiday, birthday, celebration, random Friday night. This woman knows what life is all about, her family and friends. If you have the pleasure of knowing her, you know exactly what I am talking about. She just lights up every room, gives the best hugs and if you ask my husband, makes the best cookies.
I hope you all have someone out there to look up to the same way, it truly is a blessing. Happy Mother’s Day, to all you wonderful Mom’s, I hope you have the most amazing day!
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