
Weddi-quette Wednesday

Happy last hump day of freezing cold February! Can you believe we're making our way into March already?!? 2014 seems to be whipping by! Since we're already 2 months in, I thought I would do a little resolution check-in. Just as a reminder, I decided that positivity and simplicity were my key goals this year! I am definately keeping true to that, as best as I can. I am trying to schedule less, espeically in the evenings, visit the gym more and have more time at home on weekends. I have been finding those simple things very beneficial.

I also commited to learning and trying new things! So far I have been to a cooking class, which was fabulous! And I am set up for a pottery class this coming weekend, very much looking forward to that :)

I also wanted to homey up my home. This is taking a little bit more time, but my visions are definately there. I am writing things down and trying to figure out ways to be thrifty, hello HomeSense and Pinterest. With that came more entertaining. February was a bit of a nutty month with tons going on during weekends, March thankfully looks clearer! So I am already hosting 3 gatherings, yay! And I'm sure the spring will bring more of that.

So there you have it, I am staying true to all things resolutions for 2014 and throughly enjoying all of it! How are you all doing on your goals?

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