
Trendy Thursday!

As promised, I will start off this post with some photo's from my recent trip to Chicago! We had such a good time exploring and eating more then we could handle! I love waking up in a new place and wondering what adventures will be in store for me, so exciting!

Chicago was so great because it had a little bit of everything! If you loved New York, like we do! You will enjoy yourselves.
The theater district!

The bean, which is actually called Cloud Gate

Very cool to see a baseball game on a sunny afternoon!

Navy Pier

We thought this sign was so great, cities should implement more of these little reminders!
Now, on to what is trending! Well, with summer coming to an end and the chill of Fall already in the air, I am already starting to see the colour schemes changing. Check out this beautiful set up:
Don't those colours look great together? And not your typical "fall" yellows and oranges. Also, since we've been discussing "save the dates" this week, check out this super cool interactive save the date, conveniently, they're getting married this Fall!

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